The written road.

Words are easier than talking. I can get them out without being interrupted. Edit them without being critiqued. I am in control of the message I release. Any judgement that comes after the writing is shared is judgement I have likely anticipated and accepted.

Words are intentional and weighty and dependable. And words in poetry are beautiful little one-acts.

I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I fell in love with it during a time that I felt the most trapped. I had no voice, but writing doesn’t ask for volume. It’s quiet. And the result can be anything but.

My writing reflects my status. But one constant is that when I am feeling backed into a corner, my creativity usually peaks.

It’s the way I find my way. I write it down and then read it like a map.

And then all I have to do it follow it.

It works for me—every time.

It’s all true.